What is Basic Block in Garment Pattern Making?

What is the basic block? 

In the garment export house, you might have heard this term (basic block) in garment sampling and pattern making for your designs. 

basic block is a set of pattern pieces that form the simplest garment of a particular type of garment product.

The basic block is a master pattern from which other patterns are made. 

The basic block of a shirt normally consists of bodice Front, back, and sleeve patterns. And the basic blocks of the skirt and pants consist of front and back patterns.  

The basic blocks of upper garments (shirt, blouse) are also called Bodice basic blocks.

When it comes to learning pattern making, you first need to learn how to the basic pattern from the garment spec (measurement chart). You will then learn how to add and shift dirt in a pattern. You will make other patterns and can grade by pattern other sizes. 

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